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Showing posts from December, 2020

Share Your New Year's Resolution For a Chance to Win Hallmark's "My Secret Valentine" DVD!

Share Your New Year's Resolution For a Chance to Win! The year 2020 has been challenging and eye-opening in many ways.  For many of us, priorities have changed because when push came to shove, we realized what we value most in life.  As a result, New Year's resolutions for 2021 may be a little different than prior years. The most common New Year's resolutions pre-dating 2020 included exercising more, saving more money, eating healthier, and losing weight.  Those are all great things!  In 2021, however, people are setting different goals, like doing more random acts of kindness, reaching out to others who are isolated and alone, being faithful in church attendance, reading more, or becoming more proactive politically. What are some of your New Year's resolutions for 2021 ?  Share them in our Facebook group for a chance to win a Hallmark My Secret Valentine DVD--just in time for Valentine's Day!    Read on for the contest rules and the link to our Facebook group, in