Feeling Butterflies Plot Summary Emily's booming butterfly business delivers monarchs to a birthday party where she meets single dad, Garrett. With the help of Garrett and his daughter, Emily's business begins to take flight. Starring: Kayla Wallace and Kevin McGarry Feeling Butterflies leaves fans feeling disappointed. A Sweet but Dull Movie When Hallmark movie fans learned Feeling Butterflies paired a real-life couple for the movie, they expected the chemistry to be off the charts and the romance to feel more authentic. It didn't work that way. Kayla Wallace and Kevin McGarry are completely ordinary. No extra spark of passion. Very little romantic tension. An average kiss at the end. Meh. It's the typical story of a widower trying to do the best he can raising his daughter on his own. He's torn between moving to New York where Amanda has been accepted into a prestigious school and can be close to his ex-girlfriend or staying right where he is and start
This blog is devoted to the discussion of Hallmark original movies covering New Year New Movies, Loveuary, Spring Fever, Summer Nights, Fall Harvest, and Countdown to Christmas and Miracles of Christmas.