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Showing posts with the label Love at First Bark DVD Giveaway

Hallmark's "Love at First Bark" DVD Giveaway!

Why Do We Do Giveaways? Everyone hates reading about a contest giveaway, only to learn there are annoying hoops to jump through and a million strings attached.  Even worse is when you have to divulge private information or subscribe to an e-mail list in order to enter. Good news--our contests aren't about data mining! Why do we do them? First, these contests are a special treat for our Facebook group members.  Our group is fun, engaging, upbeat, and interesting.  What better way to thank members for their lively discussion and participation than give them a chance to win something Hallmark-y! Second, we want our group to grow!  Not only are Hallmark movies a relaxing escape from real-life, so is our Facebook group.  With all the stress in the world, we want people to find our group where they can experience all the Hallmark feel-good vibes even when they can't be watching a movie.  It's fun to chat with fellow Hallmarkies, so the more we have in our group, the