The Wedding Veil Unveiled Plot Summary Emma travels to Italy to teach and research a wedding veil said to bring its owner love. While there, she meets Paolo, the son of a local lace-making family. Starring: Autumn Reeser and Paolo Bernardini Image: Crown Media Fun Historical Mystery The second installment of The Wedding Veil trilogy is shrouded in mystery, and viewers are intrigued as the clues are pieced together to reveal a story worthy of a Shakespearean play. While in Italy teaching American art history, Emma uses her free time to research the origins of the enchanted veil. As she embarks for the island of Burano, boasting more than a dozen shops specializing in handcrafted lace, she meets Paolo. Emma's exploration leads her to one of the oldest lace shops on the island, and when an older woman tending the store sees the veil, she reacts excitedly in Italian. Emma can't understand what's being said, but Paolo appears to interpret--the shop belongs to his fam
This blog is devoted to the discussion of Hallmark original movies covering New Year New Movies, Loveuary, Spring Fever, Summer Nights, Fall Harvest, and Countdown to Christmas and Miracles of Christmas.