The Presence of Love Plot Summary Adjunct professor, Jocelyn Lambert ("Joss"), travels to England to visit the farm where her late mother grew up and bonds with single father, Daniel, whose family now runs it. Starring: Eloise Mumford and Julian Morris (2022) Image: Crown Media Publish or Perish What is an adjunct professor? Adjunct is a fancy-sounding term for a part-time or temporary professor. Joss is seeking tenure at the college where she teaches, and although she's one of the best on staff in the English literature department, she doesn't have the edge she needs to advance beyond an interview. Joss hasn't published enough works that have been cited or earned rewards, and this is a detriment for someone in her position. Publish or perish is a maxim among academics--they are only as good as their last successfully published work. Colleges rely on prestige to attract funding, and prestige springs from having works published in respected and visibl
This blog is devoted to the discussion of Hallmark original movies covering New Year New Movies, Loveuary, Spring Fever, Summer Nights, Fall Harvest, and Countdown to Christmas and Miracles of Christmas.