The Wedding Veil Legacy Plot Summary Tracy is the last of her three friends to take possession of an antique wedding veil. Will it prove to be magical for her despite her cynicism about its legend? Starring : Alison Sweeney and Victor Webster Image: Crown Media The Trilogy Comes Full Circle but Leaves an Open Door Ask any Hallmark fan which installment of the trilogy they liked most and responses will vary. All three were SO GOOD that it's really hard to pick a favorite. Our Facebook group conducted an opinion poll on the matter, and most voters tapped Legacy as their top choice, followed by the first one , with Unveiled ending up in last place. We'll try another poll in this blog post to see if the ratings fall the same way. survey services In the first movie, Avery finds Arianna's portrait, only to later realize the veil in the portrait is the same Italian veil she bought from the antique store with her friends. The second installment traces the veil's origins
This blog is devoted to the discussion of Hallmark original movies covering New Year New Movies, Loveuary, Spring Fever, Summer Nights, Fall Harvest, and Countdown to Christmas and Miracles of Christmas.